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Green Future

Fusion - Sabina Syed
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Fusion är framtidens hållbara alternativ till fossila bränslen och kärnkraft. När vätekärnor kolliderar med varandra smälter de samman, vilket medför att heliumkärnor bildas och enorma mängder energi frigörs. I dagsläget behövs mer forskning eftersom utmaningar finns i att komma upp i de extremt höga temperaturer som krävs samt att öka lönsamheten. Genom att efterlikna solens egen energikälla på jorden kan vi nå en grön framtid -  stora energimängder, inga utsläpp av växthusgaser och lätthanterligt avfall. 

Lär dig mer om universums hetaste energikälla!
















By Sabina Syed NA14SB


Läsvärda länkar:


How much carbon can be stored in a tropical forest?

Researchers at EU-funded SPATFOREST have developed statistical models for the carbon storing capacity of tropical forests. The study may have implications in guiding policy related to deforestation, or help us mitigate the climate threat that global warming poses.

Learn more!

Plastic in the oceans, rising sea levels, global warming. The environment is changing due to human activity. What can be done to ensure a sustainable development for future generations? Listen to our podcast to hear about innovations and solutions for a Green Future!

310 million tons of meat is produced worldwide annually. 1/4 of the world's land area is covered by cattle pasture land. Since animal livestock farming is the reason for 14% of the human caused green house emissions, reducing the consumption of animal meat or entirely eradicating it would be a vital step towards helping our planet stop getting destroyed by global warming. What will we eat in the future?

In vitro cultured meat

The In Vitro Meat Cookbook by Koert van Mensvoort

Tropical Forests against Global Warming - Marcus Hagman
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Food of the Future - Patricia Meyer
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Mopane worm, contains 5x more iron than beef

By Marcus Hagman NA14EB

Statistics regarding livestock farming:

List of edible insect species (click image to the right) 


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